But it does help.įiles: Female Folder = femalehead.dds, femalehead_msn.dds, femalehead_s.dds. Unlike the title, it is not really seamless. The seamless UNP version of it is meant to reduce the neckseams that you get when using texture mods.
There are four looks, each with differing amounts of glam.
Seamless UNP and Coverwomen #4 - This is the Seamless option to Coverwomen look #4. Textures - femalebody_1.dds, femalebody_1_msn.dds, femalebody_1_s.dds, femalebody_1_sk.dds, femalehands_1.dds, femalehands_1_msn.dds, femalehands_1_s.dds, femalehands_1_sk.dds. nifs.įiles: Meshes - femalebody_0.nif, femalebody_0.nif, femalebody_1.nif (I delete these two), femalefeet_0.nif, femalefeet_1.nif, femalehands_0.nif, femalehands_1.nif. For me it was easier just to delete the two body. Which made me have to try an option to the optional underwear files. There are underwear options with UNP, but I found one of them gives me CTDs. There are some high res body textures that comes with it, but almost all of them are completely overwritten by my other mods. So I essentially have the same body shape as the vanilla body, but get the higher res hands and feet. That is because they not only one make all the female characters naked, but they change the body slider into nothing but a boob slider. I have spent a lot of time tweaking my appearance mod loadout for women (and for men too) So far what I am using is this, installed in this order (because some things overwrite parts of others):ĭimonized UNP Base Body - I deleted the two female body. !!!Some of these links are not work safe or kid safe!!! nif mesh files used by the game if you are curious. Nifskope is a free modelling program, that will let you open the. Very handy for comparing the textures between mods. dds files that all the game's textures come as. Paint.Net is a free graphics app that will let you open the. So I started this topic.įirst of all some basic tools. It occurred to me that some lists and explanations of what each mod does might save other folks a lot of time and effort and frustration. It took a lot of trial and error and comparing files from every one to get to where I am at now (and I am sure I will be adding more!). I spent many, many hours working on my current loadout of appearance mods for males and females. So you might think you are using a mod, when actually another of your mods may have copied its own files over it. What makes it worse is that many of them overwrite others either completely or in parts. There is a dizzying array of mods out that to add new bodies, face textures, and so on. This has come up a few times in other threads, so I thought it might be good to have a topic devoted to our characters and their makeover mods.