Limited government is the basic principle of our American government. The idea of limited government became popular in the 17th century when philosophers, such as John Locke, proposed that governments be limited to powers that protect life, liberty, and property. In other words, leaders of an unlimited government are above the law. Unlimited governments are unlimited and their leader(s) have total power to rule the nation-state as they choose with no accountability to the people. In other words, limited governments cannot do as they please and are not above the law. Limited governments are limited by established laws and procedures created by the people. Governments in their most basic form can be classified as either limited or unlimited. Some governments are ruled by one person while others are governed by a small group elected by citizens. Governments differ based on who holds power or authority. There are many different types of government, none of which are exactly alike.

Why do we need a government? What does the government do for its citizens? There are several basic tasks provided by government that society needs in order to function better. A country must have defined borders recognized by other nations to be a nation-state.

Government operates within a state or nation-state which is a political community occupying a specific territory that claims sovereignty or independence in the exercise of power over the people of its territory. In other words, government is the authority that provides structure and laws that rule a society. Government as an institution makes and enforces public policies for society.