
The codex astartes names this maneuver
The codex astartes names this maneuver

the codex astartes names this maneuver

This text became a major part of his legacy and the cornerstone upon which the future of the Adeptus Astartes would be based. With the threat of the Traitor Legions held at bay in the wake of the Great ScouringRoboute Guilliman turned to ensuring that such a catastrophic intra-species war could never happen again, distilling his formidable wisdom into the mighty tome known as the Codex Astartes.

the codex astartes names this maneuver

While not all Space Marine Chapters in the Imperium adhere to the Codex 's dictates with the same rigidity as the Ultramarines, most obey the spirit of the Codex if not the actual letter. It outlines Guilliman's ideal for the moral behaviour, order of battle and tactical doctrine of a Space Marine Chapter. The Codex Astartes is a great and sacred tome of military organisation, strategy and tactics written by Roboute Guillimanthe Primarch of the Ultramarines Space Marine Legionto prevent another civil war like the Horus Heresy. A page taken from the Codex Astartes displaying the organisation and structure of a Space Marine Chapter.

the codex astartes names this maneuver

As it is written in the Codexso shall it be.

The codex astartes names this maneuver